Thoughts from my latest Instagram post//@_katowens Who do you follow for yoga? What images do you seek out? What images inevitably always show up? What do the yoga bodies look like? Homogenous much? Please don’t be mistaken. Yoga is an inclusive practice, but society doesn’t want that. Inclusivity means empowerment. Empowerment means confidence. Confidence doesn’t sell. So, we get images of advanced asana defining and diluting the spiritual path. Look at your screen & then look around you in your next yoga class and ask yourself: how many people of color? Larger bodied folks? LGBTQ folks? Older communities or disabled bodies? You deserve to own your experience and your practice, but you aren’t stepping off your mat into isolation. For me, svadyaya is a constant unpacking of my own privilege and my own story within the modern yoga framework. The yoga industrial complex doesn’t want me to feel empowered. I have much more to say on this, but I’m also aware that there are TOO MANY folks who look like me taking up space on this topic. Diversity in yoga is not my space to define. I am not in a marginalized body. My white, cisgender, able body has plenty of representation. So I listen. Ask questions. Do the research. If I’m triggered or feeling defensive, I ask myself why. If you're still reading & still curious, I invite you to lean into that. If you don’t know where to start (for yoga or in general…although “not knowing” is kind of its own issue in this age of google), I got you. Please check out these folks/groups on social media: @ybicoalition @accessibleyoga @diannebondyyoga @mynameisjessamyn @nolatrees @saraclarkyoga @bodypositiveyoga_ @seanecorn @offthemat @curvyyoga @biggalyoga @blackgirlyoga @chelsealovesyoga @yoga_international @sassy_latte @janetmock @ripsnorter @ihartericka @yourstruelymelly @feministastic @thebodyisnotanapology and so many more, I’m sure….in fact, help a lady out and add on with a comment. #yoga #socialjustice .
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August 2021